Scott Corthine 

Consultant Podiatric Surgeon

M.A., F.C.Pod.S., D.Pod.M.

For appointments and inquires please call

07759 609344 


Scott Corthine is Consultant Podiatric Surgeon at Newham University Hospital in East London.

​He graduated from the London Foot Hospital in 1988. After graduation he spent one year as a clinical demonstrator and researcher into the effects of HIV/AIDS at the Foot Hospital. He then undertook extensive training and work experience in sports medicine and biomechanics working at The Harley Street Sports Clinic and alongside some of the highest regarded clinicians in the field. Scott acted a consultant to the performers at the Millennium Dome and has consulted for many of the production companies in the West End including Riverdance, The Really Useful Company and Disney's Lion King. He continues to advise on performance medicine to Dance UK.

After gaining a fellowship in Podiatric Surgery in 1997 he entered private surgical practice at the Devonshire Hospital and spent 7 years as lead clinician of the surgical podiatry department at The Ealing Hospital NHS Trust.

He graduated from Swansea University with a Master's Degree in Healthcare Law and Ethics in 2011 and continues to enjoy a special interest in the field, acting as an expert medical witness.

He sits on the Medical Advisory Committee at the London Welbeck Hospital and was its chairman for 3 years.